Massage Treatments

Massage Treatments

Busy people should take a break and go to a massage spa. It can be a place to pamper yourself, to chill out, relax, recharge, reflect or re-energize. Massage spas cater to a range of health promoting experiences. The curative powers of massage spa therapies have evolved from many cultures since early times. Spas and massage therapies are naturally connected. The caring touch of a skilled therapists’ hands can have benefits much beyond the physical. Therapeutic treatments by professional therapists often provide relief from stress, pain and chronic conditions. Wellness treatments are a growing and recognized element of an overall health plan. Explore this web site and come enjoy a part of life you may have been missing. You owe it to yourself.


Essential Oils:

Essential oils can soothe skin pores, assist massage, relax the skin, and have a certain anti-aging effect on the skin.


Cupping can remove moisture from the body, detoxify, relieve pain, relieve aches and fatigue, promote blood circulation, and speed up metabolism.


Expelling cold in the body, local stimulation, meridianregulation, immune function regulation.

Skin Scraping :

Regulates qi and blood, sulfur through the meridiansactivates blood and dispels blood stasis, clears nutrient absorptiondisorders, adjusts gastrointestinal function, detoxifies and detoxifiesand promotes metabolism